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儿童斜弱视的理论与治疗——多伦多大学Agnes Wong副教授专访

2012-08-07 14:39:11 来源: 来自网络




In children with eye misalignment, the first thing we need to rule out is whether there is a brain problem that might be causing eye misalignment in the first place. The second thing we want to look at is whether glasses can help. In some children, they are far-sighted. By simply wearing glasses, it can help control their eye turn. If the glasses doesn’t help and the eye turn remains, then usually the next step is to offer eye muscle surgery when the eye turn becomes stable.



There are many research activities currently looking at improving the treatment and outcomes other than patching.
● Perceptual learning whereby the visual system is repeatedly stimulated during specialized activities.
● Lower the contrast of a stimulus perceived by the good eye to promote binocular co-operation in both eyes.
● Change the neurotransmitter balance in the brain, such as giving patients L-dopa.
So there is a lot of active research going on looking at different treatments for lazy eye.